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Month 8 


8 months in. 3 to go. 

What a journey. 


Here are a few small updates from the past couple of months! I will try to write more extensive blogs about each month soon! 


Month 5 // South Africa

A challenging month to say the least. Lots of covid. Lots of trials. Lots of change. 


I learned to surf. 


I painted a bathroom. 


I had covid for one day. 


I began a season of full sacrifice with the Lord. 


Month 6 // Lesotho

My favorite month of the race!!


Gained two new brothers. 


Spent a lot of time learning deeper intimacy with Papa while in the season of full sacrifice. 


Taught at the local high school. 


Got to walk to villages and meet locals, hear the stories, pray, and encourage them! Saw freedom and breakthrough. 


Month 7 // Eswatini 

A month at the homestead. 


Learned about permaculture and it’s sustainability. 


Witnessed the care points. There are 39 through the country that provide a meal and discipleship for the local kids through sponsorship! 


Ate a lot of fat cakes (which are round balls of fried dough that are soooo good and not good for you). 


Got lost on our morning runs. 


Still in the season of full sacrifice, learning how to let God protect me and not hiding behind self protection. 


Month 8 // Rwanda

We arrived here about a week ago and I have already learned and seen so much. We got the chance to walk through the Rwandan Genocide memorials (2 out of the 200 that are around the country) and my heart hurts for this country. More to come later on all my thoughts as I am still processing and praying through so much. 


We will be in Rwanda for about 2 months!! After Rwanda, we are supposed to head to a Romania and then finish out our time on the field in Greece!! 


Pray for us as we go. Pray for the nations as we go. Pray that love abounds, freedom is seen, joy is contagious. Pray that our feet are placed where we are supposed to be and that we are able to be light in the midst of darkness and suffering. 


Love you all!



4 responses to “Month 8”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing queen! So so amazing all He is doing in and through you. Don’t stop shining!!! That light is changing the world.

  2. Love you Jack!!!! This is so fun to read. I miss you and I hope these last three months are the best.

  3. Sounds like so much fun and that you guys are doing such good work for everyone in these countries! Keep having fun and letting God work through you!!

  4. I’ve seen you grow so much! Glad we got to share some of the time in eSwatini and Rwanda. My heart also hurts for the incredible trauma (on both sides) of the Genocide. It was truly hard to wrap my head around what this country suffered. Debrief was redemptive!