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 A whirlwind. 


That’s how I would describe the past few months. 


Filled with the ebs and flow of grace and love. 


Never dismissing the power contained within. 


The eyes of fire that bring comfort.


The embrace that has become an all sustaining rest in the deepest parts of my being. 


It’s all about being present, in the presence. 


Dwelling in the land of the living. 


Breathing in the pure air of heaven’s gardens and running back to breathe it out here on earth. 


The truest sense of freedom. 

And abundance. 


The deep parts of my spirit renewed with each step, each look, each word spoken with You. 


The act of offering up my heart to say “all I want is you”. 


To be positioned continually as a laid down lover. 


Learning that it isn’t about priority, position, or power but about heart posture. 


Where are my thoughts? What are my words? What are my actions? 


Glorifying You in all things. 


Which means saying yes. 


Stepping in. 


Letting the waves crash over you. Standing in the flow of the waterfall. Being moved by the wind. 


Letting go. 


Succumbing to death to self in order to live

in the fullness.  


The flesh no longer binds you. 


Strongholds fall off. Attacks bounce off like rubber. 


This is what we are running towards.


Freedom from the flesh. Unbound. 


Falling face first in the presence at all times. 


Walking in heaven and earth, simultaneously. 


Deeper still. 

Our eyes continually gazing to heaven. 

Living life with You is the only thing that sustains. 

4 responses to “month 4 thoughts & reflections”

  1. I really miss your amazing smile! Hoping your mission will bring so many new people to the Lord. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing all your adventures I love hearing it.

  2. We’re so blessed and delighted to be partnering with you as God prepares your heart for what is to follow. G’ma

  3. I love how poetically you communicated the fellowship with God and what you are learning! Also, was deeply moved by the video you did that Dana posted. God has DEFINITELY brought beauty from ashes in your life!